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Maandag 25 september 2023 verdedigt Daniël zijn proefschrift. Hij heeft ons verteld dat mensen die hem graag een cadeau willen geven iets kunnen bijdragen aan zijn proefschriftbos via Trees For All.
Met hartelijke groet,
De paranimfen
Monday 25 September 2023 Daniel will defend his PhD thesis. He has shared with us that people who would like to give him a gift could contribute something to his Dessertation Forest through Trees For All.
With kind regards,
The paranymphs
Trees for All has been devoted to create more forests in the world since 1999. We plant new forest and restore existing forest in the Netherlands and abroad. In addition, we make people aware of the importance of trees. Our sustainable forest projects contribute to a better climate, more biodiversity and healthy living conditions for people and animals. In this way we invest together in a green and healthy earth for everyone! We are a Public Benefit Organisation (ANBI) with a CBF certificate.